行動科学研究部門: Division of Behavioral Science
部門の概要: Mission
The Ministry of Defense has multiple responsibilities in addition to its traditional duty of national defense, which include responding to different emergency situations such as natural disasters and international peacekeeping activities. This division psychologically and biologically surveys the various stress responses that result from these special duties. The division’s first mission is to carry out research that contributes to the prevention and treatment of stress–associated disorders among Japan Self–Defense Forces (JSDF) members.
Our second mission is to function as a mental health thinktank within the Ministry of Defense by proactively proposing internal mental health policies as a specialist organization in possession of such knowledge.
The smooth functioning of these two missions in tandem with the others will improve the mental health of JSDF members and create a strong organization.
メンバー: Staff
Division of Behavioral Science
- 教授 長峯 正典 (Masanori Nagamine, M.D., Ph.D.)
- 准教授 斉藤 拓 (Taku Saito, M.D., Ph.D.)
- 助教(兼務)脇 文子 (Fumiko Waki, R.N., M.A.)
- 研究科学生 北野 誠人 (Masato Kitano, M.A.)
研究の概要: Our research
種々のストレス状況下に生ずる精神心理学的諸問題とその対処に関する疫学研究: Epidemiological research on psychological issues that arise in situations of stress, and coping methods

Studies have indicated that people engaged in humanitarian work, such as disaster relief and peacekeeping operations (PKO), both inside and outside Japan, experience a great deal of stress. They bear huge amounts of responsibility and are often overworked as their own lives are also in danger, such as from the risk of secondary disaster or unstable social conditions. Studies suggest they suffer emotional trauma directly from observing a large number of dead bodies, as well as indirectly suffer secondary trauma (compassion fatigue) from interacting with people in need. The division has carried out various mental health surveys associated with these special duties to consider the mental health of JSDF members suffering from such stressors.
These surveys evaluate the state of members’ mental health, not only to screen conditions, such as PTSD and depression, but also to evaluate and analyze the primary factors associated with symptoms so that they could inform future policies. For example, an analysis of deployment duties following the Great East Japan Earthquake verified the comparatively large impact of long–term deployment, being personally affected by the disaster, and post–deployment overwork on the post–traumatic stress symptoms among the members. We also examines correlations with various primary factors, including individual trait empathy, resilience, and post–deployment leave.
Moreover, our division also undertakes the analysis and feedback of the annual mental health check conducted by the Ministry of Defense. These opportunities will hopefully be utilized as effectively as possible to improve the mental health of SDF members.
動物モデルを用いた急性ストレス負荷時における異常行動と脳内神経伝達系の関連に関する研究: Research into the relationship between abnormal behavior and neurotransmitter system in the brain during acute and chronic stress using animal models

Our division has used electric foot shocks on rats under various conditions to study their changes in behavior, intracerebral stress–related substances, and neurotransmitter systems. The investigation found that the spontaneous activity levels of rats two weeks after they were given electric foot shocks under fixed conditions would drop when in comparatively calm places, and increase when in comparatively stressful places, confirming that responsivity to external stimuli is also enhanced. The rats in question were proposed as PTSD model rats due to how this contradictory two–directional behavioral change fits with PTSD symptoms, and have since been used to test various intervention effects of psychotropics and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) dosing, electroconvulsive treatments, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and environmental enrichment measures, among others.
Focus is also drawn to childhood stress as a risk factor for depression. Model animals that reproduce childhood stress (maternal separation stress, such as stress on pup rats from separating the pup rat from its mother after birth) were created to analyze behavioral and biochemical changes. Cooperation was attained from healthy subjects and patients with depression to carry out genetic and biochemical analyses using past upbringing environment surveys and clinical samples, such as blood, to further explore the specific genetic mutations and molecules that act as onset risks for depression. In this way, our division seeks to create a bridge between basic research and clinical settings and promote basic research and clinical research in unison.
Our division also promotes research specifically focused on “inflammation.” Since approximately 30% of patients with depression do not respond to medication, the finding of new pathologies is a matter of urgency. A “neuro–inflammatory hypothesis” that was recently proposed posits that brain inflammation is a risk for mental illness. We are carrying out behavior analyses and morphological analyses of the brain using “inflammatory depression” model animals where inflammation is artificially induced through doses of LPS (lipopolysaccharides) to create a state of depression.
As described above, we aim to contribute to the development of treatment methods and drug development by clarifying the pathogenesis that gives rise to PTSD and depression.