防衛医学研究センター National Defense Medical College  Research Institute

特殊環境衛生研究部門 Division of Environmental Medicine


令和2年4月1日付で部門名を「特殊環境衛生研究部門」に変更いたしました。 (旧部門名:異常環境衛生研究部門)

We are pleased to announce that effective April 1,2020, 異常環境衛生研究部門(ijou kankyou eisei kenkyu bumon in japanese name) changed its name to 特殊環境衛生研究部門(tokushu kankyou eisei kenkyu bumon ) .
Our English name “Division of Environmental Medicine” is the same as it used to.


There are four members of the Division of Environmental Medicine, National Defense Medical College (NDMC) Research Institute: a Professor and Colonel in the Japan Air Self–Defense Force (JASDF); an Associate Professor and Lieutenant Colonel in the JASDF (vacant since October 2017); an Assistant Professor and Lieutenant Colonel in the Japan Ground Self–Defense Force (JGSDF); and a Secretary.

教 授 藤田 真敬
航空自衛隊 医官 1等空佐 
Masanori Fujita, MD, PhD.
Professor and Chairman, Colonel in the Japan Air Self–Defense Force (JASDF)


准教授 空 席(平成29年10月~)
航空自衛隊 2等空佐
Vacant since October 2017
Associate Professor, Lieutenant Colonel in the Japan Air Self–Defense Force (JASDF)

助 教 遠藤 康弘
陸上自衛隊 医官 3等陸佐
Yasuhiro Endo, MD, PhD.
Assistant Professor, Major in the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF)

秘 書 鈴木 友子
Tomoko Suzuki,


過重力負荷装置 (ラット用) Animal centrifuge for rats


高気圧チャンバー Hyperbalic chamber


運動代謝測定装置 (ラット用)Metabolic treadmill for rats


Our research fields include natural disasters; CBRNE disasters; aerospace; hyperbaric and undersea environments; and extreme harsh environments. We provide medical advice to the JSDF and related organizations.




参 考

The National Defense Medical College (NDMC) Research Institute was established on October 1st, 1996. The mission of the NDMC is to study disaster management and medical control and treatment. The Division of Environmental Medicine began its operations simultaneously with opening of the NDMC Research Institute.
Our first mission was to study and establish initial responses to a volcanic eruption. This activity involved preventive medicine in a difficult environment after a natural disaster, including prevention of harm from dust, prevention of radiation injury, and protective measures associated with medicine and public health in environments of extremely high or low temperature, and hypobaric or hyperbaric pressure.
Due to changes in the mission of the JSDF, our focus has widened to medical treatment, preventive medicine, and public health for JSDF members working in extreme environments.
Our research areas include natural disasters; CBRNE disasters; aerospace; hyperbaric and undersea environments; and other extreme environments.

(教 授 Professor and Chairman)


The first Professor in the Division of Environmental Medicine (October 1996 to March 2005) was Dr. Tomosumi Ikeda, a Captain in the Japan Maritime Self–Defense Force (JMSDF) with a specialty in hyperbaric and undersea medicine. The second Professor (April 2005 to November 2010) was Dr. Shinya Suzuki, a Captain in the JMSDF with a specialty in hyperbaric and undersea medicine, and respiratory medicine. The third Professor (December 2010 to March 2016) was Dr. Shoichi Tachibana, a Colonel in the Japan Air Self–Defense Force (JASDF) with a specialty in aerospace medicine and psychiatry. The fourth Professor (April 2016 to present) was Dr. Masanori Fujita, a Colonel in the JASDF with a specialty in aerospace medicine and vascular surgery.

(准教授 Associate Professor)


The first Associate Professor (October 1996 to March 2002) was Dr. Kuniaki Nakanishi, a Lieutenant Colonel in the JASDF with a specialty in aerospace medicine and pathology.
The second Associate Professor (October 2001 to September 2003) was Dr. Takuya Hayashi, a Lieutenant Colonel in the JASDF (promoted to Colonel in July 2003) with a specialty in aerospace medicine and gastroenterology. The third Associate Professor (December 2003 to March 2008) was Dr. Yasuhiro Kanatani, a Lieutenant Colonel in the JASDF with a specialty in aerospace medicine and hematology. The fourth Associate Professor (June 2008 to November 2013) was Dr. Masanori FUJITA, a Lieutenant Colonel in the JASDF with a specialty in aerospace medicine and vascular surgery. The fifth Associate Professor (December 2013 to September 2017) was Dr. Kunio Takada, Lieutenant Colonel in the JASDF with a specialty in aerospace medicine and rheumatology.
The position of Associate Professor is currently vacant and a recruitment process has been underway since October 2017.

(助 教 Assistant Professor)


The first Assistant Professor (November 1996 to March 2006) was Dr. Takashi Aurues, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Japan Ground Self–Defense Force (JGSDF) with a specialty in disaster and emergency medicine.
The second Assistant Professor (October 2002 to March 2006) was Dr. Yoshinori Masaki, a Lieutenant Colonel in the JGSDF with a specialty of respiratory medicine. The third Assistant Professor (August 2006 to June 2010) was Dr. Satoru Watanabe, a Major in the JGSDF with a specialty in cardiology. The fourth Assistant Professor (October 2010 to March 2014) was Dr. Yoritsuna Yamamoto, a Lieutenant Colonel in the JGSDF with specialty of diabetology and endocrinology.
The fifth Assistant Professor (August 2014 to September,2017) was Dr. Takatoshi Nakamori, a Major from JGSDF with a specialty in radiology. The sixth Assistant Professor (October 2017 to September 2022) was Dr. Yasunaga Shiraishi, a Lieutenant Colonel from JGSDF with a specialty in internal medicine and cardiology. The seventh Assistant Professor(October 2022 to present)is Dr. Yasuhiro Endo, a Major from JGSDF with a specialty in internal medicine and cardiology.

(秘 書 Secretary)


The first Secretary (December 1996 to April 2015) was Maki Uenoyama. The second Secretary (May 2015 to present) is Tomoko Suzuki.

(研究協力員 Research Collaborator)

巣瀬 敦子  令和元年10月~令和4年3月
田中美寿々  令和3年9月~令和4年3月
茂木美千子  令和2年4月~令和5年3月
牧野 敦子  令和2年4月~令和5年3月

Atsuko Sunose,(October 2019 to March 2022)
Misuzu Tanaka, Assoc. MLS.(September 2021 to March 2022)
Michiko Motegi, B.Agr.(April 2020 to March 2023)
Atsuko Makino, B.Sc. (April 2020 to March 2023)

藤田真敬(研究代表), 防衛省 防衛医学基盤研究A 特殊環境衛生分野,特殊環境における耐性スクリーニングと対策に関する研究,令和2~4年度

Masanori Fujita (principal investigator), Japan Ministry of Defense Basic Defense Medical Research Project, Field of Harsh
Environment, Research on Readiness and Tolerance in the Harsh Environment, Fiscal Year 2020 to 2022

Research studies are in progress in the following areas:

(基礎研究 Animal Research)

hyperbaric or high concentration oxygen
quantification and alleviation of oxidative stress markers using rats in hyperbaric or high concentration oxygen

Animal research to mitigate oxidative stress using normobaric hydrogen gas therapy or hyperbaric hydrogen gas therapy

Animal and molecular research using an original rabbit hypoxemia model, hypothyroidism, myocardial infarction, and limb ischemia; a rat model of crush syndrome; and a conventional model of radiation induced dermatitis

Quantification and alleviation of oxidative stress using rats in a high–G (hypergravity) environment.

(調査研究 Surveillance study on current medical problems in the JSDF)

Life support systems and personal protective equipment for use at extremely high altitude

Recommendations for medical management of asymptomatic tachyarrhythmia
during human centrifuge training

Recommendations for standardization of certification of electronic medical equipment onboard aircraft in Japan

Medical response to natural or CBRNE disasters

Evaluation of the burden of body armor and body attachments

Current limitations of bullet–proof body armor for prevention of injury

Other medical topics related to extreme environments

Masanori FUJITA, Theory and strategy for bulletproof body armor to mitigate behind armor blunt trauma (BABT)(防弾チョッキの生体防護基準の分析), Defense & Security Equipment International (DSEI) Japan, Makuhari Japan, March 17,2023

藤田真敬,晝間恵,茂木美千子,田中美寿々,河村優輔,白石安永,溝端裕亮,丸山 聡,水素ガス吸入による過重力(+5Gz)負荷後血中乳酸値の抑制,第68回日本宇宙航空環境医学会大会,渋谷区文化総合センター大和田,令和4年11月24日(抄録:宇宙航空環境医学 60(1),28,2023)

晝間恵,溝端裕亮,藤田真敬,白石安永,丸山 聡,ラットの過重力(+Gz)負荷に際し三種混合麻酔が血圧と心拍数に与える影響,第67回日本宇宙航空環境医学会大会,東京慈恵会医科大学,令和3年11月20日(抄録:宇宙航空環境医学 59(1),2022)

藤田真敬,井上友紀,航空機への搭載にあたり考慮すべき事項, 医療機器におけるEMC規格/改訂への対応とノイズ対策・設計ノウハウ技術,第3章 ノイズ対策の基本と実例,第3節 ノイズ対策実践 医療機器編,第3項,株式会社 情報機構(東京品川),217-222,2021年6月24日,全411ページ,ISBN 978-4-86502-216-2

Osamu Tokumaru, Masanori Fujita, Saeko Nagai, Yoko Minamitani, Junnosuke Kumatani,Medical Problems and concerns with temporary evacuation shelters after Great Earthquake Disasters in Japan: a systematic review (東日本大震災における避難所の医学的課題と関心), Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness,1-8,2021.6

藤田真敬, 航空旅行と航空医学, 宇宙航空医学の歴史と展望,Precision Medicine 4(9),22-25,2021.8

藤田真敬,緒方克彦(監修,分担執筆),宇宙航空医学入門(再版), 鳳文書林出版販売,2019.10

藤田真敬,重症患者空輸時の医療機器搭載に係る電磁適合性許容指針の必要性, 日本生体医工学会専門別研究会 医療・福祉における電磁環境研究会 令和元年度第2回研究会 ,東京大学,2019.8.3

藤田真敬,重症患者空輸に関わる医療機器の電磁適合性~規制と喫緊の課題~,島しょ医療研究会誌2018, 10, 3–16

Fujita M, Watanabe S, Ishihara M, Nakamori,T, Takada K, Kanatani Y, The effect of normobaric and hyperbaric hydrogen therapy for radiation injury in rats(ラット放射線性皮膚障害に対する常圧及び高気圧水素治療の効果), The 88th annual scientific meeting of aerospace medical association, Denver, USA, May 1,2017

大類伸浩,藤田真敬,蔵本浩一郎,菊川あずさ,小林朝夫,溝端裕亮,荒毛将史,山口大介,髙田邦夫,別宮愼也, 加速度誘発性意識消失(Gravity–induced loss of consciousness:G–LOC)予測式作成の試み2017,57(2),15–26


藤田真敬,櫛引俊宏,石原美弥,大類伸浩,金谷泰宏,高田邦夫,立花正一,航空機に搭載する医療機器の電磁適合性 米軍及び我が国の対応,

Watanabe S, Fujita M, Ishihara M, Tachibana S, Yamamoto Y, Kaji T, Kawauchi T, Kanatani Y, Protective effect of inhalation of hydrogen gas on radiation–induced dermatitis and skin injury in rats(水素ガス吸入によるラット放射線障害モデルの防護効果), J Radiat Res 2014,55(6),1107–13

Nakayama T, Fujita M, Ishihara M, Ishihara M, Ogata S, Yamamoto Y, Shimizu M, Maehara T, Kanatani Y, Tachibana S, Improved survival rate by temperature control at compression sites in rat model of crush syndrome(クラッシュ症候群ラットモデルの挫滅部位の低温度制御による生存率向上),J Surg Res 2014,188(1),250–9

中山健史,藤田真敬,石原雅之,山本頼綱,平沢壮,石原美弥,緒方衡,尾関雄一,前原正明,立花正一, ラットクラッシュ症候群モデルの高気圧水素療法(Hyperbaric Hydrogen Therapy:HHT)の試み,第59回防衛衛生学会,2014年2月,東京

Fujita M, Horio T, Kishimoto S, Nakamura S, Takikawa M, Nakayama T, Yamamoto Y, Shimizu M, Hattori H, Tachibana S, Ishihara M, Effects of platelet–rich plasma–containing fragmin/protamine microparticles in enhancing endothelial and smooth muscle cell growth and inducing collateral vessels in a rabbit model of hindlimb ischemia(多血小板血漿含有フラグミン・プロタミン微粒子による内皮細胞及び平滑筋細胞の増殖効果とウサギ後肢虚血モデルの側副血管誘導効果 ), J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 2013 ,101(1),36–42

Nagatani K, Takeuchi S, Kobayashi H, Otani N, Wada K, Fujita M, Nawashiro H, Tachibana S, Shima K,The effect of hydrogen gas on a mouse bilateral common carotid artery occlusion. (マウス両側頸動脈閉塞モデルにおける水素ガスの治療効果),Acta Neurochir Suppl 2013,118,61–3


立花正一,藤田真敬,航空の歴史と航空医学の発展,宇宙航空環境医学 49(1),1–15,2012
日本気球連盟機関紙 風船No.176,pp38–49,2019 に転載されました。

Fujita M, Sato H, Kaku K, Tokuno S, Kanatani Y, Suzuki S, Shinomiya N. Airport quarantine inspection, follo–up observation, and the prevention of pandemic influenza(日本におけるパンデミックインフルエンザ2009 H1N1に対する空港検疫、健康監視とその効果),Aviat Space Environ Med 2011,82(8),782–9

防弾チョッキの生体防護能に関する指針の必要性、behind armor blunt Trauma(耐弾時鈍的外傷)、backface signature(後面痕跡)の邦語の統一に関する提言を行っています。





Oita University; Tokai University; Tokyo Medical and Dental University; Nihon University; Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA);
Laboratory of Impact Engineering, Department of Civil Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering, National Defense Academy;
Acquisition, Technology & Logistic Agency, Japan Ministry of Defense;
Aeromedical Laboratory, Japan Air Self–Defense Force;

NDMC Research Institute,
Division of Biomedical Engineering;
Division of Basic Traumatology,
Division of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology and Control;

Department of Medical Engineering;
Department of Developmental Anatomy and Regenerative Biology;
Department of Ophthalmology;
Department of Integrative Physiology and Bio–Nano Medicine;
Department of General Medicine;
Division of Neurology, Anti-Aging, and Vascular Medicine,
Department of Internal Medicine;
Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery;

査読歴 Reviewer Experience

Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance; Artificial Organs; Biomaterials; Journal of Physiological Science;
宇宙航空環境医学(Japanese Journal of Aerospace and Environmental Medicine);編集委員長
防衛衛生(National Defense Medical Journal, Japan);
防衛医科大学校雑誌(Journal of National Defense Medical College, Japan);

取材協力 Media Partners

NHK、NHK–BS、フジテレビ、TBSラジオ、共同通信社、読売新聞、朝雲新聞社、防衛ホーム、扶桑社、MAMOR, 海城中学高等学校,日本気球連盟

Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK);
Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK)–Broadcatsting Satellite;
Fuji Television Network Inc.; TBS Radio Inc.;Kyodo News;
The Yomiuri Shimbun; Asagumo Shimbunsha Inc.;
Bouei Home Shimbunsha Inc.; Fusosha Publishing Inc.;
MAMOR; Fujisan Magazine Service Co.,Ltd;
Kaijo Junior & Senior high School;
Japan Balloon Federation;

報告書 Annual Reports (Japanese)

作 成 令和元年9月11日
Released on September 11,2019
Last Update on July 21,2023

防衛医科大学校病院 防衛医学研究センター English